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Homeschool Lives, Homeschool Places: 451st Carnival of Homeschooling


Like a medieval blacksmith, a good software developer can fix many things.Those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile may be startled to  see a completely new look. I’ve been wanting to do a little housekeeping for awhile– the previous theme has been up since 2007 or so, and was getting a bit long in the tooth. I was finally pushed into the update by suddenly having the blog lock up and refuse to let me log in for a week or two.

My son was able to fix it (hurrah for homeschooled software developers who still take time to fix mom’s website when there’s a desperate need!), but the theme was apparently part of the problem, so it had to go.  The current theme isn’t the final design, but I’m hoping that will be up soon.

The 451st(!) Carnival of Homeschooling

Carnival of Homeschooling

Carnival of Homeschooling

Meanwhile, it’s always fun to read about how other people homeschool. In this week’s Carnival, you’ll get to tour a wide variety of homeschool lives and learning spaces. In addition, we have a couple of contributions from experienced home educators. I hope you enjoy the Carnival!

Notes from the homeschool trenches

At the Scholé Sisters blog, you can peek over the shoulders of four classical homeschooling moms as they write about their homeschool days. 

Catherine shares brief overviews of two country studies her family has done this summer, despite welcoming a newborn. You can read about Greek Weeks and Mongolia Weeks at Petticoat Government.

Originally uploaded to English Wikipedia by PHG. This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.Have you ever considered homeschooling while traveling around the world? On The Art of Simple Travel, Tsh writes about what homeschooling supplies her family is taking along for the journey in Worldschooling: a minimalist’s list for learning on the go.

At Journey and Destination, Carol shares Handicrafts – sewing projects for beginners. The article begins with the wonderful quote, “The child is only truly educated who can use his hands as truly as his head, for to neglect one part of our being injures the whole . . .”

In Room to Learn… A peek into our learning spaces, Heather offers photos and and a description of her family’s learning space at Cultivated Lives.

Blog URL:
In Curriculum plans for grades 7, 9, and 12, Annie Kate writes, “Here are the plans for our eclectic, semi-classical, Charlotte Mason inspired, Canadian, Christian homeschool. This year I’m deliberately trying to reduce the workload for the girls as well as for me.” At Tea Time with Annie Kate.

At Heart of the Matter,  Karen writes about her son’s recent mission trip to Kenya in Rough Roads and Gentle People.

Janine remembers why “I Love This Time of Year” at Why Homeschool.

Wise words from experienced homeschoolers

On Blog My Own Mind, Karen presents a supportive post for homeschooling parents, offering nine strategies that have been helpful in her own homeschool:  Strategies and Stuff for Successful Homeschooling Parents.

Veteran homeschooler Mari Fitz-Wynn has written a helpful new book of wisdom and encouragement for home educating moms, and I’ve reviewed it in Take Heart: 26 Steps to a Healthy Homeschool– A Review.

Older posts you may have missed

At Charlotte Mason Help, Lindafay shares Nature Journaling: A Conduit to God. Ever since I discovered Barry Stebbing’s wonderful Nature Drawing and Journaling book, I’ve been trying to be a little more purposeful in my own journaling. Now all I need is time!

Don Quixote by Honoré Daumier, 1868The nurturing of character is one of the most important things we do for our children, and in What Is Character? Its 3 True Qualities and How to Develop It, Brett and Katy offer insight into the nature of character and how to cultivate it. You’ll find this and many other outstanding articles on The Art of Manliness.

If you’ve ever wondered if your teens need more homeschool autonomy, 7 Signs You May Be Micromanaging Your Teens by Joanne Calderwood may be helpful.

Newest resources from Excellence in Literature

Literature and Composition: Level 2 of Excellence in LiteraturePied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins
George Orwell Timeline by Steven Kreis
Robert Louis Stevenson Biography
History of Kenya by Bamber Gascoigne

For more about the Carnival for Homeschooling, including how to submit or host, please visit Why Homeschool.  You may use the Carnival of Homeschooling button (above) on the post that was featured in this week’s Carnival.

We are N- demonstrating solidarity with persecuted Iraqi Christians.In other news, many Christians are using the Arabic letter N to signify support for Iraqi Christians who have been forced to flee, leaving behind their homes and possessions. You may read more about it at the National Review.

The post Homeschool Lives, Homeschool Places: 451st Carnival of Homeschooling appeared first on Doing What Matters with Janice Campbell.

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